Home Lifestyle Home decor New Studio Bathroom Wallpaper (Plus, Inspiration Can Come From Anywhere!)

New Studio Bathroom Wallpaper (Plus, Inspiration Can Come From Anywhere!)

New Studio Bathroom Wallpaper (Plus, Inspiration Can Come From Anywhere!)

I love to watch funny Instagram reels and YouTube shorts. When I’m working, and I take short breaks throughout the day, funny reels and shorts are my favorite way to pass the time. And the algorithms know what I like by now, so they just feed me a steady stream of funny and entertaining short videos. Never did I think that I’d actually find inspiration for my studio bathroom walls in one of those mindless entertainment videos, but that’s exactly what happened!

I’ve considered so many different designs for the bathroom walls over the last two or three weeks. I knew I wanted those walls to be very colorful and a bit crazy. I mean, it’s a tiny bathroom in a studio (my studio), so it’s a great place to have some fun with color and pattern.

That was my thought the first time I did that bathroom, and that’s how I ended up with the walls looking like this…

The finished studio bathroom

Those walls were a fun project, but over the last couple of years, they just seemed lacking. I’ve tried to diagnose the exact problem. Is it because they remind of me of the LuLaRoe logo? Maybe. Is it because they’re too busy? Definitely not. Was it the lack of definition? No, I tried that and it didn’t change my mind. So I can’t really pinpoint it. Maybe it’s the lack of teal.

But whatever it is, I decided that the walls need to be different. I’ve considered so many different colorful and crazy designs (some of which I’ve shared on the blog in past posts), but nothing ever stuck. And then, a few days ago, I was taking a break and watching some mindless entertaining YouTube shorts, and there it was. It was just the inspiration I needed from the most unlikely source.

I mean, as soon as I saw that, my immediate thought was, “That’s what I want on the bathroom walls!” 😀 So I immediately opened my photo editing program and set about recreating that look using colors inspired by the floral wallpaper and fabric that I’m using in the studio.

Ready to see what I ended up with? Here it is.

I already know this isn’t going to be to everyone’s taste. Nothing this colorful and graphic would ever appeal to everyone, and that’s fine. But I’m so excited about it!!

Here’s what it looks like with the floral print…

I didn’t make it so that it matches the floral precisely. I wanted them to coordinate, but not necessary look like a matching set. I also tried to add some white on one of the squares, but it was way too stark for my liking. And I don’t really need any white in this wallpaper since the entire bottom part of the walls in the bathroom is white wainscoting.

I ordered it last night, so it’ll be a few days before I get it. I’ve noticed that I receive wallpaper from Spoonflower much faster than I receive fabric, so I’m hoping it’ll be here in time for me to get it installed by the end of the week.

In the meantime, I’ve finally made my color decisions for the rest of the room. After a failed attempt at painting the studio walls and ceiling white (seriously, when will I learn that I hate white walls for my house???), I finally decided to use the same Benjamin Moore Classic Gray that I’ve used throughout the house for the walls of the studio, and my standard Behr bright white ceiling paint on the ceiling. That’s the combo that I have in the living room, and those colors let my pink curtains stand out.

The Benjamin Moore Classic Gray is so light that it doesn’t even register with most people that my walls are actually painted a color until I point it out. But it’s just enough color to contrast with the white trim. It’s not so gray that it feels cold, and it’s not so warm that it looks brown. It’s the most perfect neutral I’ve ever found, and pretty much the only neutral wall color I’ve ever liked.

So I’m going to stick with what I know I love and what works for me. My initial fear was that if I paint the studio walls the same as the rest of the house, it won’t be special. But let’s face it. There’s no way that I can paint cabinets on two walls of a large 20 x 20 room with pink paint and not have it stand out as something special and different from the rest of the house. 😀

And then for the back entry? (Drum roll please.) Green. I’m back to green. But I’m going to go with a lighter green this time.

I got so frustrated with this decision (and the rest of the colors for this room) that I came this close to purchasing a one-room consult from Maria Killam. I kid you not. I had decided that I just needed a pro to tell me what to do. But then I took that break, watched the video, saw the wallpaper inspiration, and things seemed to fall into place from there.

So the decisions have been made. Now I just need to do the work, and get this room finished!