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Life Chat – A Healthy Slice of Life

Life Chat – A Healthy Slice of Life

It’s been a weird week. It started off on a tough emotional note with something that is not my story to tell, but also feels disingenuous to not share that it was a hard start to the week. I’m sure I’m not the only one because talking to friends tells me that a lot of us have some hard stuff going on in life right now. In fact, at co-op on Wednesday we ended with our whole group, kids and moms, sharing prayer requests and praying together. It was incredibly touching to hear what was on everyone’s hearts. I know we all fight some kind of battle and being reminded that we aren’t alone is powerful. You are not alone.

And at the same time, there have been joys this week. We met friends for trivia midweek and it was such a fun switch up from our usual routine. We put up the Christmas village and train on a new train table that David whipped up; I probably take for granted how handy he is. Kaitlyn, after talking about it for months, got her ears pierced! We went to a local tattoo shop and had a wonderful experience. She was so brave and she’s over the moon about her new sparkly flower earrings.

We also put up the tree and the kids rushed to gather the presents they’ve already made and wrapped beneath it. I pulled out my new candles and I am just savoring this cozy, homey space we’ve created.

In more day to day news, soccer has concluded and we’re gearing up for basketball season. Kaitlyn is a month out from her first musical theater performance and it’s been a wonderful experience for her so far; I can’t wait to see her on stage! Hailey is busy practicing Christmas songs on the piano and it’s such a joy for me to get to listen while I go about my daily tasks.

The girls and I started Winterfrost and we are all really enjoying the cozy story. When we finish it, we are going to relisten to The Christmas Pig, a favorite from last year. We’ve also pulled out our Christmas picture books, and each morning the kids grab a book and sit on the couch. One of our favorite’s, Mr. Willowby’s Christmas Tree, is currently less than $10!

I’m getting ready to begin my mini-tradition of listening to the Winter Street Series. I don’t read/listen to a lot of novels but I adore this family I’ve gotten to know through these books and look forward to visiting them again; this year I’m on book number 3.

We took family pictures last week and I can’t wait to get them back so I can order Christmas cards. I set up my favorite Christmas display- the framed collection of our Christmas cards that we’ve taken every year since Hailey was born. I highly recommend this tradition; it gives me all the feels every year.

We’re keeping up with school lessons and plan to do so through then end of the month, then we’ll transition to our unschooling approach for December. Wahoo!

Let’s tie things up with something completely random. I had a tickle in my throat last night and decided to throw everything I had at it. I took my oregano tincture, Wellness Formula capsules, fermented garlic and honey, then tried something new to me- I sliced an onion, put some slices on the bottom of my feet, put socks on and went to bed. Have you heard of that one? Well, I woke up this morning feeling just peachy! Hooray for all the holistic weirdness.

I can’t decide if the best part of that experience was the funny raised eyebrow from David (though I’m not sure how any of this surprises him anymore…) or the fact that Kaitlyn thought it was brilliant and also went to bed with onions and socks on her feet. I can’t wait until she wakes up and I find out if she lasted all night in it or not. I hope so, or I’m picturing having to go find old onion slices shoved under her bed… eeks.

Ok, I’ve clearly exhausted all topics of conversation for the moment. Time to finish up my grocery list and get ready for the day. It’s supposed to be a bit cooler today and I’m looking forward to getting to see Mema who is stopping by for a bit. Hailey has a birthday party gathering to attend and Kaitlyn has a Taekwondo weapons class. David and I hope to get in a good workout since they’ve been spotty this week and maybe end the day with a fire and a homemade pizza.

Sending you a big squeeze whether you’re full of joy or struggling a bit; it’s ok to be both at the same time. I hope you have a great weekend <3