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A Change Of Mind About The Studio Bathroom Design Plan

A Change Of Mind About The Studio Bathroom Design Plan

I’m kind of glad that I started making changes to the studio bathroom, and then stopped to focus on other studio projects. Because in the interim, I’ve changed my mind about the changes I want to make in this room.

I had originally planned to swap out the yellow accent tile for something not yellow and square.

After searching and searching for another accent tile to replace the square yellow tiles, and coming up empty, I decided to do this dowel rod design.

That was a lot of cutting and sanding! Thank goodness I was only doing a tiny half bathroom! And while I love the concept on its own, when I try to envision it with the wallpaper that will be going in there, I just can’t seem to love it. The wallpaper is nothing but various colors of squares.

So I’ve been rethinking this plan. The wallpaper idea is staying. I love that wallpaper, and I love all of the color that it’ll bring to the tiny bathroom. But I think the rest needs some simplification so that the wallpaper doesn’t have to compete with these other elements.

I’ve basically decided to make the same changes in here that I’ll be making to the hallway bathroom. I’ll eliminate the accent border altogether, bring the wallpaper all the way down to the top of the wainscoting, and then finish off the wainscoting in a very simple way.

This is a very rough idea of what I’m thinking…

I’m still not quite sure how I’ll finish off the top of the wainscoting, but I’ll figure out something. And if I eliminate the accent around the room, I’m thinking that I might also want to change the mirror. Just like in the hallway bathroom, I framed out this mirror just like I trim out our doors and windows in the house. But I think a different framed mirror might look really nice.

So that’s where I’m headed with this, I think. I’m just wanting a much simpler look. I still want all of the color. I don’t see myself changing my mind about color anytime soon. In fact, the older I get, the more color I seem to crave. I can’t seem to get enough. But more color combined with a simpler overall design seems to be what draws me lately. So basically, all of those changes I’ve talked about making in the hallway bathroom will probably all spill over into this bathroom as well. More color, simpler design to let those colors sing. That’s the new direction.